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2 . HeraBeads address

Our company is located in the South of China as the following address.

Ying Yun Technology Co., Ltd
A-208A, 2 Floor, Shanshui Building, Yungu Tech Venture Park,
4093 Liuxian Road, Pingshan Area,
Taoyuan Street, Nanshan Disctrict,
Shenzhen, China(The address doesn't accept returns)

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·Search kbeads with an image instead of text. Try dragging an image here.

  • 1. The image must be in one of the following formats: .jpg, .png, .jpeg, .bmp, .gif, .webp, .tiff, .ppm
    2. The size of the image should be less than 5M!
    3. The image length and width must be greater than or equal 200 pixels and smaller than or equal to 1024pixes.
  • 1. The image must be in one of the following formats: .jpg, .png, .jpeg, .bmp, .gif, .webp, .tiff, .ppm
    2. The size of the image should be less than 5M!
    3. The image length and width must be greater than or equal 200 pixels and smaller than or equal to 1024pixes.

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